Rescue centre in Serres
In 2016, the first castration campaign took place in Serres in Northern Greece. The need for medical help for the stray dogs there had turned out to be great, but so was the willingness of different communities to finally solve the problem by means of nationwide castrations. Due to the great interest in working with Vets in action, the municipalities could be persuaded to create and maintain a database and commit themselves to the implementation of the reporting obligation by microchip and to the prosecution of animal welfare offences.
Since 2017, we have greatly expanded our activities in Greece and have already carried out several successful castration campaigns. Currently, we have been able to secure a two-year contract with a district, which is intended to solve the problem in a sustainable manner. Such long-term cooperation is rare and we are particularly pleased. Around 2100 animals are to be neutered or spayed every year in conjunction with education of children to animal welfare and law enforcement through joint information campaigns.
As in all countries, there is always a number of animals that cannot be released back, because they are too sick or too weak, or because they need further therapy. To this end, the vets maintain a reception centre in the northern Greek town of Serres. Here, dogs and cats can be accommodated, provided with medical help and cared for until they are healthy again.
Our rescue center in Serres is to be expanded so that we can also accommodate and care for wild animals and equids.