The unique project for the Donkey Valley rose from the need to both provide local working donkeys with veterinary care and those who no longer used for work with a sanctuary. The Donkey valley is desperately needed alternative, to the slaughterhouse.

This project for the establishment of a supply base and a sanctuary for old work donkeys was realized in Banichan, Southwestern Bulgaria. In 2016, after a lot of work, the time finally came and The Valley of the Donkeys was officially opened to accept its first residents. There are currently 60 elderly donkey living in the valley: while they spend the whole day at the pasture, they are safe from wolves in functional stables at night. Based in the valley, our mobile team does outreach work with donkeys in the region.

Watch great reportage from the Bulgarian TV:

News report about the Donkey Valley in Banichan, Bulgaria - BNT 2

News report about the Donkey Valley in Banichan, Bulgaria - Nova TV

Report from Bulgarian television about the valley of the donkey

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